My -30- Column
Fifth-yeah senior finally leaves after controversial tenur
By: Ryan Killian
Posted: 4/30/08
In the typewritten days of the newspaper industry, "-30-" denoted the end of a story. A -30- column gives graduating seniors an opportunity to reflect and speak their minds.My byline appeared in The Daily Texan for the first time on Feb. 20, 2004.
Damn, I've been here awhile.

But I guess I've overstayed my welcome, because they told me to write one of these here 30 columns.
I came to the Texan with one goal: Get hired. Turns out that's really easy. So then I came up with a new goal: Cover Texas football. That one took awhile.
By the time it was all over, I covered football twice, men's and women's basketball and a slew of other sports. I covered a baseball Super Regional in Oxford, Miss., and a Women's College World Series in Oklahoma City, Okla.
Along the way, I learned a lot of things. For example: If Ricky Treon tells you to pull over the van because he feels sick, don't ask questions or even check your blind spot. Pull the damn thing over and let him out. If you fail to react in time, take heart; the canned air sanitizer is still in the van.
Projectile vomiting aside, traveling around Big 12 country (and beyond) was always my favorite part of covering sports for the Texan. I've been to Manhattan, Kansas City, Lawrence, Lincoln, Ames, San Diego, Stillwater, OKC and Oxford.
I saw Ryan Bailey kick a game-winning field goal at Nebraska's Memorial Stadium. I sat under the basket as Kevin Durant scored 25 points in the first half at Allen Fieldhouse - and when Bill Self and his Jayhawks cut down the nets 20 basketball minutes later to celebrate a Big 12 regular season title.
Excuse the cliché, but who could ask for anything more?
Plus, I learned a lot along the way (though, avoiding clichés apparently hasn't stuck). One of the first things I learned was not to root for Texas while on the job. Truth be told, that part came easy. That doesn't mean my fanhood died though. I have not graduated to some higher level of sports awareness.
If I ever do, it'll be time to find a new job.
I decided to be a journalism major because my mom one time told me I could write well. Plus, I knew I loved sports. Sports + writing = sportswriting.
I suck at math, but even I could figure that much out.
(Another nice thing about journalism: I only had to take one math class. C's get degrees.)
If this missive is going to have any value, I suppose I should offer some unrequested advice to all you undergrads out there. Believe me kids, I'm an expert, so perk up.
You're in college. Pass your classes. Have fun.
That's all there is to it.
I've never heard anyone mention his or her grades or studying as they discussed their fondest memories of college life. Personally, mine involve regular
spur-of-the-moment trips to Waco and Denton.
You learn a lot more about what's important to you while spending time with your friends and doing things that would horrify your parents than you ever will in a classroom.
Another thing: Get real-life experience (or something approximating it) in your chosen field. Graduating with an empty resume and a good GPA doesn't say much. Plus, you'll figure out if you even enjoy what it is you're preparing to do for the rest of your life.
I got lucky. I love this sportswriting stuff.
But enough about me. Let's get to the fun stuff.
In which Ryan lets people know how he really feels about them.
Mom and Dad: How many parents can say they graduated three kids from three state universities in one semester? Sure, one of those kids went to Texas A&M, but that's not your fault. Thanks for everything.
Stacy, Eric, Nikki, Alex: I'm going to have to leaf through a book of meaningless platitudes, so I can find something appropriate to say. Hold please … here we go, Halle Berry 2002 Oscar speech to the rescue: "Thank you. I'm so honored. I'm so honored. ... Thank you. … But more importantly you've loved me when I've been down. … And I love you very much. ... Thank you so much for being my mentors and believing in me."
Well that didn't quite fit, but close enough. And it was fun.
In order of appearance - Eric (again), Matt, Ryan A., Daniel, Lance, Lonnie, Shane: I could write a whole 30 column to you bastards. It would read like a love letter. Now let's all move to DFW, get real jobs, have real lives and never grow up.
The rest of my shoutouts have been arranged at random - the process involved lots of rolling dice and flipping coins. So, don't try to use the order to determine a hierarchy. (Or am I the only person that does things like that?)
David H., Colby W., Blake H., Michael S.: I look at you, and I see the future. Don't foul it up any worse than we did.
Ricky Treon: Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever been able to get in a word edgewise with you. I'm not complaining, though. That Secret Service Agent never knew what hit him. Oh, and sorry about your carpet, but my shoes took the brunt of it.
Joseph Duarte: You could hate The Daily Texan, and I'd understand. But you're always around and supportive, and I thank you for that. I guess your bitterness was assuaged when that guy turned wound in Paris, Texas. That's a great story. Keep telling it.
Melanie Hauser: You're one of a kind. Ack! Another cliche. You taught me better than this … you're the best teacher in the history of teaching. What's that? Too superlative? … can't help it. It's all true. I was far from your best student, but thankfully, your policy of once-a-student-always-a-student is all-encompassing. Even after I graduate, I'm still going to be your student. I'll still e-mail too often to ask trivial questions.
Texas Sports: Our relationship was contentious at times, sure, but at the end of the day, you were responsible for providing me with the access and information that was so crucial to doing my job. Sure, I'd trade on-demand box scores and notes for more access and freedom, but that's a discussion for another day.
Jill Sterkel: I've covered plenty of UT head coaches. You got more respect from your athletes than any of 'em, and I share that respect for you. It's not my place to say anything but just for the heck of it: Texas doesn't need any more coordinators. Get out there and coach again. For the swimmers.
Eric Ransom: Leave your job now, and tell them to hire me. If I'm the best thing that ever happened to the Texan sports department, you were the second best. Your cutting, cynical wit kept me going, and your reporting skills have always put mine to shame.
Cedric Golden: You put up with my wide-eyed existence, and that's saying something. The Statesman higher-ups knew what they were doing when they made you a columnist, and I'm proud I can say I knew you when.
Jacqueline Walker: I still remember the first time I ever saw you. You woke me up. That was very rude of you. I knew we hit it off on that trip to see Texas lose against Kansas State, but I never thought we'd become friends like we did. I'm glad we did though, otherwise, I never would've gotten acquainted with the Witches of Eastwick.
Nathan Riojas, Clay Whittington: Journalism as we know it is collapsing around us. Fuggit. Let's be sportswriters as long as we can stand it.
Cody Hale: Remember that one time on Sixth Street where we almost got in a fight? You would've kicked my ass. (But I would've fought.)
If Ransom kept me going, you've kept me sane. Plus, as a roommate, you taught me the importance of tidiness, and I understand girls appreciate that.
Connie Clark: 203-44 (58-11) - 84-64-2 (22-31) And I'm the bad guy?
Anup Shah, Brady Gray: You kids are winners. Keep the ship on course.
Bill Minutaglio: You made storytelling fun and reinforced my previously ungrounded notions that every story is worth telling - even if it's just a night in Waco with Ryan and Daniel. I plan on continuing to hound you with emails every time I have a pertinent question. It's selfish of me and a waste of your time, I suppose, but I value your input.
Natalie England: Thanks for not laughing at me when I brought in my "clips" that first day I entered The Daily Texan basement. The sight of a dumbass freshman with a stack of complete Conroe Courier sports sections must have been pretty funny. Oh, and thanks for giving me the men's golf beat and then the women's golf beat when that other kid flaked. And finally, thanks for treating me as an equal once you were out being a real live sports writer and I was still doing it up DT-style.
Prospective Employers who might happen to stumble across this: Have mercy on my soul. No really, I made some concessions. This isn't too bad, is it? Is it?!
Everybody I've forgotten: That's life.
Ryan Killian covered football, men's basketball, women's basketball, softball, women's swimming, women's golf, men's golf, postseason baseball, NASCAR and Indy Racing for the Texan before serving as Sports Editor in the fall of 2007. He was best known for turning every cutline into a history lesson.
Labels: column, Daily Texan